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This blog is set up for 8th grade students in Mr. Carr's Early American History classes. If you need to contact me, use the following email address: damon.carr@leesummit.k12.mo.us

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Introduction to Year of the Hangman

By Gary Blackwood

What if...the British had won the Revolutionary War? The year is 1777. The rebellious American colonies have been soundly defeated by the powerful British redcoats. General George Washington has been captured and is to hang from the end of a gibbet. The rest of the revolutionary leaders have gone underground. This didn't happen, but it could have.

How To Post To The Blog

Instructions for Posting to the Blog

I am excited to see how this project turns out. Each student will make at least one comment for each question/topic posted. You are welcome to post as many comments as you would like. My hope is to create an online conversation about this novel. Commenting on the blog is easy. Follow these easy steps:

• To leave a comment about a question, please click on the comment link at the bottom of the blog entry.
• You can type your comment in the text box in the middle of the screen.
• After typing your comment, please select "Name/URL" for an identity. You need to only fill out the "Name" portion, just leave the "URL" portion blank.
• Special note on what to type for your name: DO NOT USE YOUR FULL NAME! Any entries with a full name will not be published on the blog. Please use only your first name and last initial. Example: Benjamin Franklin would just be "Benjamin F."
• Click “Post Comment.”
• Next, please type in the word verification key as it appears (if asked to). This is to ensure that a person is responding to the blog entry and not a computer program creating SPAM.
• Click “Post Comment” again.
• Your comment will not appear immediately. It will be sent to the moderator of the blog (Mr. Carr) and once your comment is approved it will be posted.